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Update the record of an entity for a certain client.


The arguments accepted by the method are the name of the entity, the id of the record and the parameters of the updated record.

$caila.setClientEntityRecord("EntityName", {"id": Number("id"), "type": "synonyms", "rule": [$parseTree.text], "value": $parseTree.text});
EntityNamestringYesName of the entity where the record is to be added.
idstringYesRecord ID.
typestringYesThe method used to specify the record value. Takes the following values: synonyms or pattern.
valuesringYesThe value associated with the record. Corresponds to the DATA field.
rulearray<string>YesThe set of rules describing the values that will be added as a record. For example: $parseTree._<SlotName>.
clientIdstringNoClient ID.
classifierTokenstringNoAPI key used to access an external trained classifier.
Use the $caila.getClientEntityRecords method to get the record ID

How to use

Update entity record:

state: Example
intent!: /Change
$caila.setClientEntityRecord("ClientEntity", {"id": Number($parseTree._id), "type": "synonyms", "rule": [$parseTree._rule], "value": $parseTree._rule});